
beyonder powers and abilities

The heroes and villains found bases, and began a long series of skirmishes. Meanwhile, Owen Reece, who had been watching events, was glad that he had not needed to step in and take action--or definitively decide not to take action. He sent down an enormous blast of energy from the heavens that destroyed everything in its pathexcept that the Molecule Man had saved a bit of energy, and managed to not only save all the heroes, but also put every other living thing in the path of the blast into subspace. Once again he was puzzled by the complexity of human emotion. He physically grew, and grew in power. [48] However, his scale of power was stated to be significantly below that of the Living Tribunal and Eternity,[3] the Celestials,[45] or the Molecule Man (when unfettered from his emotional weaknesses). She was so much happier now, and it was all because of him--but pointedly, he understood, she loved him for what he had given her emotionally, and not because he was the overlord of the world. He went inside and the Beyonder explained his new plan. The Puma was now brought to the absolute limit of his anger and his sense of righteousness in his cause. Omnipotence: The Beyonders omnipotence have been shown to kill a non-corporeal entity who can only be killed by God itself which who the Living Tribunal.They were also able to create, warp, and destroy . With a complete mind, he could possibly control it. The heros attempt to stop the assult and don't suceed until Iron Man fires a laser to knock the Lizard out. If this were so, then no mutant would be "natural." The Beyonder, after sitting and thinking, decided he had been wrong, and went to their apartment to apologize. Once there, they (Doom, Thing, She-Thing, and the Human Torch) arrived, to their surprise, in a sunny, happy, populated land that recalled Earth. Set before Secret Wars II #9, The story forces The Beyonder to reconsider his thoughts on life, death, and human existence. The Sphinxes Superpower is that he's Mysterious. Moonstar was the only one left. Dani Moonstar saw death visions above all her comrades, and knew what was about to happen. However, Black Bolt admits that he has no memory of an Inhuman becoming the Beyonder, and the final image of the story reveals that the entire event was in the pupil of the Beyonder's right eye, thus making the revelations dubious. The Beyonder, in love with gadgets as always, thought it was great, but the heroes were worried that this was too Orwellian. Still pondering the subject of desire, he happened upon Rick Jones, Brandy Clark, and the child Cindy Adams. The Puma visited his old sensei, Muramoto, while in Japan, and to his shock the Beyonder was there too--and he was friendly with Muramoto! However, Kubik decided to prove him wrong, and battled the Beyonder to a standstill, to the Beyonder's great amazement. They managed to separate Heather Douglas, Moondragon, from her possession by the evil creature, and they fled together. The Molecule Man was devastated, and the Beyonder lorded it over him. In this reality, the Secret Wars never happened. Reece said that it was important that he saw the difference between knowledge and understanding, and that he believed that experience was the best teacher. Bereft of another host, the cosmic energy creates The Beyonder and imbues him with all the wisdom, power, and purpose of The Beyonders. The rest of the energy flowed into the empty Beyond-realm. Next he gave himself a body identical to that of the Molecule Man. Because of this, Strange decided to let him out of the illusion. Doom understood what was going on, however, and called out to the Beyonder, and in an instant, his face appeared in the world's sun, threatening them with death. They explained to the Beyonder that Doom wanted his memories because he thought that with them, he would have been whole, and perhaps he would have been able to hold on to the power of the Beyonder during Secret Wars I. He gave the cup to Death, and she drank it. The character played in a more antagonistic role in the 1985 sequel, Secret Wars II, in which he took human form to learn about desire, but threatened to destroy the multiverse out of increasing frustration. He was first properly depicted by Al Milgrom in Secret Wars II #1. The Beyonder was alerted to this universe when Bubonicus created a wound in Eternity. It was then that he realized that the Beyonder wasnt the galactic entity of unknown origin that he presented himself to be. So he tricked the Thing, who was making a movie on a nearby island. However, just as the Thing was ready to attack, the Legion Accursed arrived. The Beyonder decided to return to Sharon Ing, but found that she had killed herself over him. It is this encounter that marks the beginning of the High Evolutionary's mental instability. The Beyonder, however, just stood there staring at him. Oracle revealed that the source of her madness was the Beyonder aspect inside of her. The Beyonder, once again sensing the possibility for an experiment, turned Cadwell into Thundersword. Powers and Abilities. The Beyonder is an immensely powerful extradimensional entity of disputed origin. [40], The Kyln was later attacked and destroyed by the Annihilation Wave. He tried giving her fame and success in show business, and he faked a fight with the Avengers to make her feel sympathy for him, but none of it worked. Strange found them and said that Summers was the key to saving them from the Beyonder. The Beyonder ordered fish and collard greens, and the other diners, who are black, thought he seemed out of place (too white). (The Thing was angry at the Beyonder for various events in the past.) He showed that he could change his physical form and erase the memory of others. Reece's warning had come true, and the Beyonder now knew the emotional despair of rejection. They first came to the attention of Earthlings when they commissioned the alien Nuwali race to create the Savage Land as part of their study of evolution. It seemed that Kosmos had tried to take an even more "mortal" form than before, perhaps somewhat similar to what the Beyonder was trying to do at the end of Secret Wars II. The Beyonder simply walked out the window, and Cage jumped out to get him. This was the Beyond-realm's first appearance on panel, other than his fight with Doom in Secret Wars I. Eventually, he gets tired of all wars and battles and decides that the only way to achieve peace is to build walls between the four races, hoping that they will forget their grudge after a thousand years or more. None of them appeared to have much power, and were in fact simply illusionary "friends" the Molecule Man made for himself. [4], They eventually hired the Pegasusian alien race as agents, to tow Counter-Earth to the Beyonders' museum. He invented, and was sometimes manipulated by other cosmic entities into believing, the events of the original Secret Wars as a way to cope with cosmic awareness. The Beyonder agreed to play it safe, and restored Doom to his original body (and Norm McArthur's mind back to his body), then sent him back in time to the beginning of Secret Wars I. Owen Reece saw a newspaper story about his new approach, and started to get nervous. Black Cat later thanks Spider-Man with a kiss, meanwhile on Earth, Blade watches his mothers castle from a distant ledge while Morbius explains that he has connection with Black Cat and knows she is in safe hands. The Beyonder, however, was not paying attention to any of this. The Beyonder took his message seriously, and indeed it was an experience that he recalled several times throughout the rest of his time on Earth. The Beyonder was the all-powerful instigator of the Secret Wars, a 1984 all-star extravaganza that pulled Marvel Comics from a tough financial spot. (See Powers for a greater explanation of this.) The inhabitatants have worked hard to eliminate diseases and famine. Based on his experience as a wrestler, Jeff wrote Paper Champion, a comic about cardboard wrestling belts, haunted dreams, and healing from loss. The Beyonder Vs. However, realizing that since the Beyonder had had the power to bring them there, he could also potentially destroy them all, and even kill off the entire human race in a fit of anger, the Professor refrained from following his original plan. This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. The Beyonder could endow himself with a corporeal form of practically limitless strength and endurance. Even Dr. Doom and Phoenix try to outsmart and overpower the celestial being, yet, The Beyonder, capable of mind control and time travel, usurps their folly each time. The story serves as an essential precursor to Secret Wars as it provides background details about the character. Powers and Abilities Although not native to this dimension, the Beyonder was one of the absolute strongest and most powerful beings ever to exist in the Marvel Universe. Her mind was opened to his infinity and majesty, which she felt must be like her mother's experience as Dark Phoenix. The Beyonder left to seek answers elsewhere. (The Illuminati used some very specious logic in trying to argue that he was disrupting the natural order of things. Arrowverse The Anti Monitor makes his live-action debut in the Arrowverse adaption. Doom found that his stolen power was not enough; the Beyonder was beating him. Where he existed he was everything and everything was him, in a sense he was like God before there was Genesis. However, he was just teasing out the battle to make them feel all the worse. Although Fantastic Four #319 didn't arrive on newsstands until 1988, two years after Secret Wars II ended, the issue is the best place to start for new and returning fans. This disturbed the Beyonder because he was finally content with his existence and wanted to forget about the other universe that he had once lived in. Reed reasoned that if the Beyonder killed Doom, instead of sending him back in time, he would destroy the continuum of history, and perhaps not even the Beyonder could survive that. The Beyonder First Appeared In Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #1 By Writer Jim Shooter, Penciler Michael Zeck, Inker John Beatty, Colorist Christie Scheele, And Letterer Joe Rosen This was the first appearance of Boom Boom. Beyonder tells Spider-Man to think of him and his assistant, Madame Web, as 'ones from beyond.' The Beyonder was in such a deep depression that he was going to let the Thing kill him, but ultimately the Thing refused to give him the death blow, and let him live. Professor X explained to his Illuminati colleagues that the Beyonder was not only an Inhuman, but a mutant Inhuman. However, the Dragon was able to take her over anyway, and just took advantage of her extra power. Dracula offers his assistance in return for getting to kill more heroes. Kubik appreciated and encouraged her questions about her place in the multiverse; it was unclear where exactly Kubik and Kosmos fit into this hierarchy of power. Instead, as the Beyonder projected an image of the Inhuman royal family image into the Professors mind, it became clear that the Beyonder, was, in fact, an Inhuman. Looking in, they saw the accident that had transformed Reece into the Molecule Man! They were understandably shocked, and Cage attacked. He called on various magical spirits, but none of them had the power to collect all the particles of his body, so he conjured the most powerful force in the universe, which turned out to be the Beyonder. This Beyonder claimed to be "one from beyond." They had been friends, but now Reece was worried about how unstable he was becoming, and what he might do next. At that exact moment, something strange occurred: Professor X sensed a strong presence nearby, which was mutant in nature. The Puma found the Beyonder, and suddenly realized how powerful he was--unlike Foxxe, the Beyonder radiated power. Dave volunteered, seeing in this act the chance to do something important with his own life, and the Beyonder killed him, resurrecting him as the new avatar of Death. The Cube then developed on its own over a period of time, and eventually expelled Reece's mind back to Earth. In order to talk about the Beyonder's formative moments (his "childhood"), they went to the Beyond-realm and the Beyonder showed him the pinhole that first showed him our universe. They view themselves as scientists and see the Marvel multiverse as an experiment, something for them to play with. [8] Upon returning to Earth, he tells his fellow heroes that the Beyonders have killed the Living Tribunal along with all the Celestials, and every abstract entity (including Eternity, Infinity, Lord Chaos, Master Order, and the In-Betweener) as part of an experiment involving the destruction of all life throughout the Marvel Multiverse. The One from Beyond asked him if this was how he really wanted it, and Reece said it was. The original Beyonder was considered to be the most powerful being in the multiverse, having power surpassing Cosmic Entities, such as the Living Tribunal and Eternity. Mephisto suddenly attacked with demons, but sadly to no avail. Strange explained that when Havok destroyed the site of the Nexus of All Realities in that dimension, he had then absorbed the Nexus into his own body. Meanwhile, we find out that Doctor Octopus has joined forces with the Red Skull since Dr. Doom has taken over Octavia, the kingdom of Doctor Octopus.The Red Skull assures Dr. Octopus that he will have his kingdom once again, but only if he agrees to enhance the Cyber Skull built by Smythe. Victory tried to warn the Beyonder of his target of amusement but the Beyonder would not listen, and brought them back to his universe (the Beyond-realm attached to that reality). He couldn't believe the people of Earth were still "hounding" him. The most omnipotent character in Marvel is arguably the cosmic entity known as "The Beyonder". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. In Kosmos' 'Maker' incarnation, she was stated as capable of reversing The Crunch itself, essentially collapsing the entire universe. It became self aware and formed a being of immeasurable power. Powers and abilities The Beyonders have been witnessed killing all of the Celestials in the Marvel multiverse at the same time, destroying abstract entities. But as the name suggests, it's mainly used by Odin. The "true" Molecule Man pulled the Beyonder's essence from within Kosmos, causing her to fade. [28], Now the Beyonder's mood began to change. Despite his lasting impact in Secret Wars, The Beyonder, much like his name suggests, has faded into the beyond, leaving many fans unaware of his existence. Despite developing a close relationship with fellow Eternal Makkari, he grew disillusioned with their mission and chose to leave the Eternals, forming a society of mind-controlled humans. He was ready and willing to face the Beyonder once again. The dome (as powerful as the multiverse) Molecule Man created, which the Beyonder shattered, wasn't as powerful as the original. Spider-Man then tells the Lizard the whole situation, convincing the Lizard to fight along side the rest of the heros. The Beyonder tried to court Dazzler by zapping her around to a number of exotic places throughout space, but she reacted with anger and fear, not knowing who he was or what he was trying to do! Marsha Rosenberg was born in Denver, Colorado.She was a day care center employee who, along with her friend Skeeter, was among the residents of Denver transported to the Beyonder's "Battleworld" during Marvel Comics' first Secret Wars limited series. In their first session, he took her on a tour of existence, showing her the various dimensions and cosmic entities in the multiverse, including the Phoenix; the Watchers; various combined life-forces such as Mangog, Overmind, and the Uni-Mind; the High Evolutionary; the Stranger; Eon; the Celestials; the Vishanti; the various forces of evil; Death; Master Order and Lord Chaos; the In-Betweener; the Living Tribunal; Galactus; Eternity; and the Beyonders (plural--the source of the Cosmic Cubes). (It is unclear why Kubik did not help her.) He finally calmed down, and revived Blaire. He brought them to his new headquarters, a giant floating building in the ocean, complete with TVs that monitored everyone on Earth. [10] During this time, his powers are briefly stolen by Doctor Doom. He accelerates the time of this planet 1 year into the future. [22] When the Molecule Man's lover Volcana leaves him, he becomes angry, extracts the Beyonder from Kosmos, and proceeds to attack him until Kubik intervenes. He freed Protege, who had the power to copy any power he witnessed. However, Klaw recreated Rogers, who attacked Doom again. After watching for a while, his interest was picqued, due to Thor's decision to use his belt of strength, thereby negating Kurse's advantage. One of the local residents, Dave, a down-on-his luck local reporter, saw it and ran to see what was going on. The Torch, tremendously afflicted by the event, became unsure of his role as a hero. An initially unrelated character called the Beyonder was tied to these older characters by Steve Englehart for his "Secret Wars III" story in Fantastic Four #318319 (SeptemberOctober 1988). Rafter Pound has a deep connection with the Tudor family The Beyonder would often return to their apartment to discuss his recent experiences and philosophical quandries. The Beyonders are a omnipotent (but not omniscient) alien race that exist outside the omniverse (basically living beyond all of reality, time, space, and the dimensions).. He is Superman, the man of steel, and the world's greatest superhero. The Beyonder resurrected Scion and returned to our universe. Reece decided to take the role of a therapist with the Beyonder, since he himself was quite a veteran of therapy sessions. It convinced her that if she had enough power, she could resist the Dragon's evil. The Beyonder took control of Klaw's subconscious mind and thus motivated him to encourage Doom's fears of his superhuman opponents in the "secret war" as well as playing upon Doom's own deep-seated doubts over his ability to control his newly gained powers. The One-Above-All: Who Is Marvel's Supreme Being?,The One-Above-All and The Beyonder are godlike beings in the Marvel Universe, but one is definitely a more supreme being. ", The Beyonder modelled his "human" body after, His hair is seemingly only superficially black. She had a new idea--go to the M'Kraan Crystal, from which the Phoenix derived its power, and destroy it. Upon entering the construct, the adventurers (as well as the construct itself) were teleported to an area of space-time near a galaxy far from the vicinity of Earth's. She was now bluish white, instead of gold. There is a short series of ambiguous flashbacks that seem to show the Beyonder walking into the Terrigen Mists. He was now "nothing but raging power personified! Thanos planned to keep the Maker alive to keep the Beyonder trapped in the only "prison" that could contain him. Once again he used the too-manipulative approach he tried with Dazzler, giving her gifts: making her beautiful, older, without powers. [33], In this universe, the Beyonder was anything and everything. In this issue, a younger, less-experienced Deadpool is hired by the Kingpin to kill the Beyonder. Doom was unsure what to do with his newfound omnipotence, which was even greater than it was when he had Galactus' power. The experience apparently proved too enlightening in itself, and he ran away. It'sugly! Back in San Francisco, Rachel was only more determined to kill the Beyonder, and she still retained the power he had given her. The Beyonder was not in a mood to be trifled with, and was about to destroy Doom, whom he apparently didn't recognize, when Reed Richards stopped him. (Others, like the Enchantress, also tried to leave, but were unable to pierce the barrier set up by the Beyonder.) He also pulled Talisman out of the bag for Shaman as payment. She gathered a following of inmates who worshipped her. In classic continuity, the thing that attracted his attention in both instances was the presence of the Molecule Man. Meanwhile, Rachel Summers teleported all the heroes of Earth to the Rockies, above his bunker. Finally they stopped, realizing they could do nothing, and he just walked away, saying that he still knew he couldn't take the easy way out, and that he had 10 pointshe won. Living in a self imposed exile for centuries, Druig led his secret . Despite being perturbed by his words, Hyperion defeats Mister Beyonder.

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